Integrate Presto Player with Tools You Love

Connect the best WordPress media player with the best tools the web has to offer.

Video Sources

Choose from favorite video sources as per your need. Pick any from the list here or self host your videos to be displayed.


YouTube is a free video sharing website where you can upload your videos and fetch them with Presto Player.


Vimeo is also a great platform to upload videos and fetch them on your website using Presto Player.

Presto Player’s integration with will help you store and deliver your media on your website.

HLS Video

Presto Player supports HLS format and lets you add HLS videos giving an additional layer of protection.

Self Hosted

Don’t wish to use a third party host? You can self-host your videos and fetch them into the video player directly.

Page Builders

Get complete freedom in selecting the page builder of your choice. Presto Player works great with all of them and offers dedicated blocks for some.


Use Presto Player with the default WordPress editor along with the native Gutenberg block we offer.

Beaver Builder

Presto Player works great with Beaver Builder, a WordPress page builder widely used by many.


Elementor is one of the most popular page builders. You can embed Presto Player in here and also use the dedicated widget.

Divi Builder

You can use Presto Player along with the Divi Builder! The two can work great together so you can add your videos easily.

Online Learning Tools

Offer online courses on websites built with your favorite WordPress tools and the best LMS solutions combined with Presto Player.


Wish to merge the features of LearnDash and Presto Player while delivering courses? You can do just that!

Tutor LMS

Presto Player works great with Tutor LMS. So, if you plan to use Tutor LMS to manage courses, you can do that too!


Prefer LifterLMS to offer courses? Presto Player works great with LifterLMS and gives you a platform to enhance your course material.

Marketing Tools

Focus on conversions and email lists with email marketing tools and CRMs that help capture and manage leads.


Connect Presto Player with over 1000+ apps using SureTriggers to streamline marketing, enhance lead management.


Integrate Presto Player with MailChimp to help manage and maintain leads captured through the players call-to-action.


Automate processes like sales, marketing, learning and more by integrating Presto Player with AutomatorWP.


Help Google understand your video content better with rich schema and video sitemap when integrated with Rank Math.


Integrate Presto Player with MailerLite to help manage and maintain leads captured through the players call-to-action.


Integrate Presto Player with FluentCRM to help manage and maintain leads captured through the players call-to-action.


Integrate Presto Player with ActiveCampaign to manage leads captured through the players call-to-action.


You can use WP Fusion alongside Presto Player to synchronize your website users with leading CRMs and marketing automation systems.

Uncanny Automator

Use Uncanny Automator to connect your favorite apps with Presto Player and save time by automating the repetitive actions and tasks, all without writing any code!

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